I am collaborating with an interdisciplinary team on a software platform for diagnosing endometriosis from ultrasound and MRI imagery.
I help Navi technologies make vital decisions in their use of AI technology as they develop a new product for placing central lines in critically ill newborns.
I am working with an interdisciplinary team on a machine vision platform which monitors vineyards and helps farmers cut costs by turning data into informed decisions.
I co-authored a grant for a project whose aim is to develop deep learning techniques for detection and recognition of rarely-seen submarines in Australia’s Future Submarine project.
I supported Planet Innovation in the compilation of a systematic review of OEM optical technologies capable of taking depth measurements.
I helped establish a Living Laboratory at the Tonsley Innvoation Precinct for the "Global Center for Modern Aging" by scoping, specifying and validating a comprehensive camera, video and data recording system.
I instructed a PhD candidate at the institute on machine learning techniques for alpha particle detection of radioactivity in mineral ores.
I was solely responsible for conceiving and developing an innovative hand-held wound assessment device that can categorise different wound tissue types and also report metric information such as the volume, area, and depth of the wound.
I prototyped a computer vision system capable of counting cyclists and measuring their visibility.